Saturday, July 21, 2007

Kerouac paira por aqui.
E eu com ele...
é o meu livro deste
inicio de semana.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

He says something in that preface that I immediately
related to, which is the intersection between the road
movie and music. The other thing I like about road
movies is the fact that that they teach you something
about yourself. I think the whole idea of the road movie
is a journey towards some sort of selfhood and self-knowledge.
I think the back of the book says that road movies are
a metaphor for life. You might set out in life having the
intention of travelling in one direction but fate and
circumstance find you moving in another direction. I like
the fact that road movies don’t stick to the itinerary,
they often go off road, they take different courses. I
find that quite liberating because I think that life is
like that.

jason wood about his book 100 road movies
